
Saturday, February 18, 2012

This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday and the Catholic Church begins the Season of Lent.

Lent is a season that most people look at as a time of 'giving up' something but Lent to me, is really about a journey- a journey of 40 days through the desert to the resurrection. A time of renewal and repentence; as the Prophet Joel says in the first reading of the Ash Wednesday celebration:

"Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your hearts not your garments and return to the Lord, your God."

Even now, over two thousand years since the prophet Joel urged the people of Zion, we are still being called by God to return to His love with a repentent and contrite heart.

As we travel through Lent this year let's make a concious effort to spend more time in prayer, of truly being sorry for the many times we have sinned and offended Him. To wind our way through the desert of our sinfulness to come out the other end to share in the glory of His Resurrection!

Deo Gratias

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Welcome to Handmaid Rosary Beads! I started out making rosaries over 10 years ago as way to combine my love of beading with my love of the rosary. Making beautiful rosaries to bring honor and glory to Our Heavenly Father and our Blessed Mother has been a mission of mine ever since. It is a very special feeling to design and bring to life a rosary that will become a treasured sacramental for someone that will give them years of devoted prayer and bring them closer to God through Mary. I welcome custom orders for special occasions or if you have a special devotion to a particular Saint. Just email me and we can work out the details. All my rosaries are guaranteed for life. If your rosary every breaks I will gladly repair it for free. Deo Gratias